Future Priests of the Third Millennium

A little insight into the life of seminarians from various dioceses preparing for ministry as Roman Catholic priests, including daily activities, personal interests, special events, the spiritual life, news from the seminary, and almost whatever comes to our minds!

Friday, November 02, 2007

All Souls Day

Today is the day on which all Catholics remember their beloved dead. I think this day is difficult for most because they dwell on the lives of their loved ones whom they miss. One of the people that I miss the most is a priest by the name of Fr. Todd Reitmeyer. He was a priest for my diocese and was tragically killed in a jet-ski accident a couple of years ago. He was a great example for his parish and those who knew him best. This day is not to be one of sorrow but it is a day to rejoice that the ones we love are on their way to the heavenly banquet. Here at the seminary we are commemorating the dead through a Mexican custom. On this day many families spend the day in the cemetery with those they love. There are a few quotations from today's office of readings (written by St. Ambrose) that stand out to me. "Thus his death is life for all. We are sealed with the sign of his death; when we pray we preach his death; when we offer sacrifice we proclaim his death." "We must not reject the natural rights of the body, but we must desire before all else the gifts of grace." May all the holy men and women pray for us.

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