Future Priests of the Third Millennium

A little insight into the life of seminarians from various dioceses preparing for ministry as Roman Catholic priests, including daily activities, personal interests, special events, the spiritual life, news from the seminary, and almost whatever comes to our minds!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Opportunity Cost

For seminarians (and parents, and priests, and teachers, and lawyers, and doctors, etc . . .) there is always one more thing to do, and every decision to do something implicitly includes deciding not to do something else (I believe economists describe this phenomenon as "opportunity cost"). Sometimes the cost is worth it, though. Such was the case this weekend.

On Friday evening, four of the minor seminarians from my diocese (currently studying at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona) make the two hour drive to the Twin Cities to see the big city and spend some time with me. I had seen them over Easter and had encouraged them to come whenever the fancy struck them (and whenever the Rector of their seminary would permit it). This weekend provided that opportunity.

I must admit that as their arrival day drew nearer, I became a little concerned. I would have to host them through most of the weekend, and I had a lot of things to get done. But, I had told them to come and I couldn't back out. I am sure glad I didn't.

Friday evening, we shared dinner with most of the rest of the men from my floor of our residence hall (hosted at the Companions of Christ House). We then returned to the seminary to pray evening prayer together and do a little catching up. Saturday, following Mass, we went out on the town. A visit to Leaflet Missal (an obligatory event for seminarians making their first visit to the city) and Vietnamese food for lunch (an obligatory event for those visiting me for the first time) were the first items on the agenda. After lunch, we visited the Minnesota History Center (they have a great exhibit on domestic terrorism) and when we had run out of get-up-and-go, we stopped by the Cathedral for some "oo"ing, "aw"ing and prayer. By that time, we were all ready to go back to the seminary for a cup of coffee. The rest of the evening was spent over dinner, a quick excursion into Minneapolis and quiet conversation.

This morning was pent in the suburbs. It was teaching parish weekend, so all of the theologians were out attending Mass at their teaching parishes. My group and I headed out to Woodbury bright and early. First Holy Communion Masses are occurring at St. Ambrose this month, so the crowd was even larger than normal. The size of the parish as something of a shock to the young guys. St. Ambrose is about three times the size of the largest parish in our diocese.

The men helped me (along with my teaching parish committee and a generous couple who volunteered their already baptized baby) perform a practice baptism which we filmed so that my instructors could evaluate it later. Once finished with that, we headed back for St. Paul. After a quick brunch, they headed back to Winona and I to my books.

After reading all of the above, I suppose that readers are asking, "What is the point of all this?" I am not really sure, other than to say that it was nice to see faces from home. It was nice to strengthen the bonds of fraternity with the men of my own diocese. It was nice to ignore my academic responsibilities for a day. It was a nice weekend. Praised be Jesus.


Jinglebob said...

Yes, praise be. Fellowship is very important. We never know what import it will be on others lives. But it has and will. You gave those young men something that so many others could not and you know their background and so that made you the perfect host.

"Everything is for the best."

Jodi said...

It sounds like it was a fun weekend. I'm sure they appreciated your time. Are you part of Companions of Christ? Our priest along with others that he lives with belong to the faternity. You are doing good work Tyler. Thanks.

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