I've been home in Sioux Falls for a few days now and I think I've been able to unpack and get organized. Yesterday was a nice day, besides the frigid wind that was creating all sorts of havoc. I was able to go to the St. Joseph Cathedral to serve for my bishop. I was also able to see what had been done for the restoration process and it looks amazing. I was able to see a few people after mass and catch up, which was nice. In the afternoon my family went to see a concert done by the South Dakota Acoustic Christmas group. We had gone together a few years ago and this year was their last performance. They played traditional and non-traditional Christmas music. One of the reasons that we started going as a family was because of the fact that a few of their concerts each year were fundraisers for Dakotabilities. Dakotabilities helps people with varying ranges of physical and mental handicaps, and my sister has been a client there for many years. My sister likes listening to music and she especially likes Christmas music. Overall, not a bad Sunday.